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Belle Irlan

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Everything posted by Belle Irlan

  1. Call to Battle

    Yeah I actually found out from a friend. She says that if you are in your normal server the little notification that pops up each hour about the event will tell you when the double rewards are going on, but I can't verify that yet...  
  2. Call to Battle

    Yes the white area ones are much easier to kill, but only if you can be there, right away, when the day launches. Which, as you said, means missing out on the 4* rare monster card chances. A trade off that I can't see as worth it at this point. I'll stick with my playing here and there throughout the day and getting mid-level event rewards from Call to Battle.
  3. Call to Battle

    One of the things people seem to be doing is watching for the "double points" hours that come up and then going after players solely. This seems to be the best way to maximize your score and you daily rewards. I've yet to figure out how to know when the double hours are yet.
  4. Fame Store

    Yup. You can also get them from Mysterious Island. This was an old topic and unfortunately there is no way to remove them once you've created one. Thanks though.
  5. Would you care to explain how we gets the currency to use this "cool" new store?
  6. Passive skills

    Yeah we all want them and they are extremely hard to get. the sheer number of scrolls is staggering, but clearing Dark Path is a big help. I wish I had the cash to get involved in the events that offer the passive skill exclusive scrolls, but no such luck.
  7. Best place I have found for formation stones and essence of fashion is in the Market Store. You can easily make up what you spend on them each day by just being active in the market. It is a limited number, but a big help.
  8. Call to Battle

    You can get quite a bit of reward gold, but I'm not sure 300+ is feasible or not. The reward for killing the Governor, killing blow that is, is 100 gold. But you can only get that once. This is really the only gold reward that I know of in the event. Everything else is dimes and tickets. As for the guards, the guards spawn in groups. The easier guards, the ones not names captains, will only spawn once the others are taken down. It does make it difficult to get lots of guards killed.  I'm intrigued as to how it is even possible to kill the necessary number of guards to earn the daily reward. As far as I can tell it would be near impossible without spending gold.  Hopefully the game administrators will eventually release a guide on here to help us out with some of the nuances. For now I can only tell you what I've learned myself.
  9. The best way I can explain this benny is you are basically right. The gold cost would be added. Also the "5 Level 50 Special Gifts" are more of the gold unlockable gift boxes. It is kind of a stair case of gift boxes. Each box contains more boxes that you can unlock with gold. Pricey, yes, but full of rewards.  
  10. Call to Battle

    Yes multiple people have reported this as an issue. The best thing you can do is contact support directly using the "Help" tab. They are good at responding and hopefully can identify the cause before the next update. Otherwise it is a simple matter to exit the event and re-enter.
  11. Dimes

    I'm at level 85 and I'm getting about 20-30 million dimes each day doing all events, tasks, and quests. I don't know of anyone who is able to earn 50 million in dimes each day.
  12. Pixie Contracts

    Yup. That was a really old response before I had actually reached VIP 3 and was able to use the contract. The contract can be used OR 200 gold can be used. But thank you for the response.
  13. So I have a pixie contract, but no clue how to use it. There doesn't appear to be an option in the pixie window and when I select "Use" from the backpack it just takes me back to the pixie window. Any ideas?
  14. Passive skills

    To further expound on my previous response, once a skill is leveled to 100% you will be able to add if to your passive skill "bar" that you see below the skill leveling section. You can have a max of four passive skills active when you reach level 90.
  15. Passive skills

    yes. to get the effect you must get the skill to 100%.
  16. How upgrade bard of silence

    It takes a lot, but the rewards for the fourth skill on orange heroes is definitely worth it.
  17. How upgrade bard of silence

    Both heros must be fully maxed. You need to level the second one to level 50.
  18. About this topic

    The 'Kill Rare Monsters' side quest sounds to me like the guidebook quest, (If you click the quest it should auto take you to dungeon/event you need) For the guide book, Firstly you need to view the locations in the book and it will show you the spawn start and end time. This will be in the book on the right hand side in red and will be listed "Time till server reset". So lets take Liberty Port for example start time is 10.00am server time, So a few minutes before the start click the 'World' tab located top right corner of game screen, Once you click world tab a box will appear with a map of current location then just under it their it will say something like world map click that then click liberty port to travel there. Once there you need to find the monsters spawn area for Liberty port i know from remembering the spawn area is where the blue tree is so head there and wait, when 10.00am comes the monsters in random will spawn from green - blue and purple its fastest finger first so click and kill the monsters you need to complete that section in your guidebook.  Although it may not seem like it from the quest wording, the quest is to actually kill one of the rare monsters. Just follow the above instructions and it will complete the quest.
  19. Mysterious Island

    Thanks. I advised the affected players on my server to do this and it seems to have fixed it for most everyone!
  20. Governor Challenge

    This is STILL not fixed. I was previously told here,  http://forums.creagames.com/index.php?/topic/800-governor-challenge/ , that this would be fixed in today's update. The challenge is still broken. Please update.
  21. Call to Battle

    Since I can't find any info anywhere else and am getting bombarded with questions.... Is this event broken? Half of the people can't see it. The people who can't see it can't enter it even though a message keeps popping up saying to enter it...
  22. Purchased gold/luxury festive chests

    Yup. So what I said is true. Just hold on to the chest until the next time the event starts.
  23. Purchased gold/luxury festive chests

    If you didn't use them prior to the end of the event. You may be able to hold on to them until the next Luxury Festive event. Otherwise you will not be able to use them. Check with support directly using the "Help" tab at the top of the page. Just keep in mind that these events typically end when the server resets so never wait until the last minute to buy or redeem event items without checking to make sure the event isn't about to end.
  24. About "Complaints"

    But that's how the company exists and makes money. You can't ask them to not make money.
  25. About "Complaints"

    I'm sorry you feel that way, but this is how most games work. You either get stronger by plugging away daily until you are strong or you pay money to get stronger faster. Just about every game I have ever player works this way.  But all of the events are open to everyone and you can participate and earn rewards. Also by joining guilds and teaming with higher players you can get rewarded just the same. There is no real benefit provided to higher level players other than those that they have earned by working their way up. they have earned those extras through their hard effort. Why should someone who hasn't be rewarded?