1. Your nickname in the game
Mini Buddha
2. Your brawser MMO RPG game experience
Recently it has mostly been G&M and WarTune.
3. Main server, that you play on, and additional servers
Server 36. I also play on 17 and 3.
4. Why do you want to be Game chat moderator
I think this game is extremely fun, and would like to help other players have as much fun as I do.
5. A little info about yourself, what do you do, what do you like and etc.
I play G&M most of the day while I'm at work. I'm an IT Manager.
6. Approximate time of day in which you can monitor game chats
0730-1730 EST
7. Your nickname in Skype
8. Your Gmail address (others won't fit) james.g.mckay@gmail.com