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About Kannada

  1. Certificate Revoked

    It seems like so many people are having Chrome issues the past couple months. I haven't experienced issues just yet. All I can say is play on Gameroom, or as a last resort Firefox.
  2. Elemental

    I sent in a ticket saying it was gone after the update occurred, and I also asked my guild.
  3. Elemental

    Seems as though I am missing the backpack option in Processing then.
  4. Elemental

    I'm curious, did anyone else lose the option to go into your Backpack in the Elemental tab? While it isn't the biggest issue, it was nice having easy access to mess with items in backpack rather than having to equip then unequip  
  5. Discord Server (unofficial)

    How to use / download "Discord" https://discordapp.com/ - Go here You can use it in a browser, or download it on your computer or mobile device.
  6. I created a discord if the community of Guns and Magic would like to get together on an easy communication application. https://discord.gg/53FHyV9 I honestly don't know if people really use it here, but I use it more than anything for communication purposes. All I ask is to keep drama out of the picture. Get along. Causing issues with a person in it means you will be kicked or banned from the server.
  7. Recruitment of Game chat moderators

    1. Pie 2. Silkroad Online / SRO-R for 10 years total 3. Server 25 - The Spell 4. It seems like a lot of fun to become one. I tend to follow the rules where necessary and wouldn't mind enforcing them. Being apart of this game for almost 6 months, I think I'd like to be part of it even more. 5. Hi I'm pie, everyone in CTB knows me  ! I like to take care of others who need me, and I like drawing/writing. 6. 13:00 - 1:00, times in between may vary. 7. (It's been like 3 years since I used that... I use discord haha) kanna.desu 8. kannapiegm@gmail.com