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Call to Battle

4 posts in this topic

Is anyone having glitches with attacking large guards in Call to Battle? When I attack a "Captain of the Watch/Guard" in call to battle, i make through the fight with a win easily enough, but after that fight i cannot click on anything else to fight it whether it be a player, governor or another guard.  The only way to solve this problem recently is to exit and reenter constantly throughout the day.

Is there a possibility to include a skip function in these battles to bypass this problem?

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I have spoken directly with a few players while in Call to Battle and other people are suffering from the same problem for the last few days.  The glitch/problem does not arise when attacking a governor or normal watchman/guard, only the elite guards or "Captain of the Watch".


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Good day to you, SarazinSky!

We know about this bug (if it is possible to name it as bug). We have checked this by ourselves and haven't found bug in here. Seems like problem happens not with each player. We still trying to collect as much more possible info about this bug to find out from where it begins and how to solve it.

Thank you for request. Have a nice day!

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