1. Your nickname in the game
2. Your brawser MMO RPG game experience
I have been playing these games for over 5 years
3. Main server, that you play on, and additional servers
Kiefer Kodla
ID: 25769805801
SERVER: S6: Fallen King
4. Why do you want to be Game chat moderator
I enjoy the game and like to help new players find their way. Also I notice that sometimes players get caught up in language that is offensive.
5. A little info about yourself, what do you do, what do you like and etc.
I am a computer tech. For 20 years I have had my own small biz
6. Approximate time of day in which you can monitor game chats
I am on most of the day off and on
7. Your nickname in Skype
8. Your Gmail address (others won't fit)
isaackeels@gmail.com and isaackeels@yahoo.com