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Plato Redux

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Posts posted by Plato Redux

  1. That's not a very good game mechanic IMO, there wasn't any warning how significant, and depending on the server, game breaking the choice could be.

    In the fever pitch of fast leveling clicking early on while figuring out everything, "Hey here's some potions if you choose Light, no rewards for Dark for you.
      In a slightly tricky psychological way, the game devs decided my alignment for me; and I would have never fathomed in a million years that something so significant to the game would be presented so unceremoniously and without any warning that you can't change it, or that in a game like this with something so important, that I would surely be able to switch it later if I made the wrong choice.  But no.  Why?

    There should be a way to switch alignment without losing progress, even if it costs or is a pain, a long quest chain, gathering a ton of items or a reasonably steep gold fee.

    We were doing well as a guild on my server, some guys wanted to join with us because we got along well, and a few member in the competing group could be somewhat bullies, but the server directed them to choose Dark with a cheap bribe.  They went ahead and merged with our main competing Dark guild, and the bullies.  I don't know if we are going to win any Guild Battles any time soon now, we are outnumbered, and the highest level guy on the server is Dark.  We were coming from behind and winning, no I don't know if that is going to be possible.

    It was balanced, we were trading off days winning the Guild Battles, the other Dark guild that merged was getting the 10%XP buff every once in a while too.  I may be wrong, we may be able to still win once in a while, but I have my doubts about that too.  The game balance on my server just went WAY FAR Dark, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it but hope the server decides to bride new players to choose Light, AND that they like the game and keep playing it, AND they are able to be more than just casuals.

    Why did Crea decide they should decide who's who as far as alignment, with no option to switch and keep one's progress?  I just don't get it.

    I've been playing about 3 weeks and already put about $40 in this game, and I'm starting to feel regret over it because of this mechanic.  I know any future spending from me for GandM is on hold until I see how things pan out on my server.  If we get dominated every night, every week, then out leveled, then bullied, I'm probably just going to find a new game, directly because of this design choice and this particular game mechanic.  I can't be the only one who has game quit because of the same thing.

    So, any chance of fixing this?  Or are the devs more brilliant than I'm giving them credit for and I'm wrong with my predictions and things will work out?
