1. Benis
2. I play browser MMORPG's more or less all day. i usually have 1 or 2 open at a time as they allow me to remain fairly casual.
3. S30: Power of Fire.
4. I adore helping people. I used to be a forum moderator over at R2games for Crystal Saga and League of Angels 2 and feel as though being an in game moderator would be better suited for me as i already spend most of my time ingame already. I get a kick out of helping out others.
5. At the moment i am unemployed so spend most of my days playing my games. When im not playing games i like to work out or write script (Python, HTML and CSS).
6. i can monitor chats anywhere from 8am-8pm EST.
7. Benis93
8. Markhinchcliffe93@gmail.com
Thank you for reading my application