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Everything posted by fb1788953834761694

  1. new weekly event?

    server crash weeklyl now?  11/5/17 2 hrs after reset time, server crashed again.     last week crashed too.....   no warning, no notice....   please don't give us 150 coupons, that is for the homeless, not players
  2. Progress Beyond Level 141

    also I found that if I clear all old browser data, it clears for me in BT.  you should try it.  
  3. Progress Beyond Level 141

    by the way, how did you get the yellow wing skills?  
  4. Progress Beyond Level 141

    lol. in BT, what the heck is this boarder tower at level 141??   
  5. Progress Beyond Level 141

    amen!      Somehow i see server 12 shaz got gold every single round though. she must be full of gold now..  
  6. "Updates"

    dam i misread Neoma's comments.  thought her boss sais updates will be in this weekend....     
  7. "Updates"

    thanks.  how can you catch me in game when you don't even know who i am?  
  8. "Updates"

  9. "Updates"

    wait, from lvl 140 wheel or from card master?
  10. "Updates"

    you are kidding right?  coin of luck drop rate is 1 per 400 gold, and to get one piece of christmas gear u need 50 coin of gold, that means u need to waste 20,000 gold for a piece of gear!  even oringo won't bother to put in that much gold for a chance 
  11. "Updates"

    another suggestion, put out TD4, GD5, ROM3, DP1 later stages to 50, and 6-star heroes!  
  12. Roulette of Fortune

    lol omg. 5 coins of luck...  a crappy way to say, "better luck next time when you choose what game to play..  and 5 coins of luck is just what you need.. "  LMAO.    
  13. Mysterious Island

    You just can't find him. lol    but unless he stays alive pass the entire event, you don't lose any medals just because he stayed alive past the 5 min mark.  But if he stays alive til the end, yeah. u get no medal for the 2nd part
  14. Roulette of Fortune

    congratz Zava, u got a reply.    however, I dont think it is a particular player issue.  That is a problem across all server and all player when they reached level 141.  
  15. Level 141....

    actually, anyone can go to russian server and get me a screenshot?  
  16. Roulette of Fortune

    I really dont think the admin in US server actually got any way to communicate with Russian HQ developers.  usually we found out something happened to the game before they do....
  17. Level 141....

    "Null" means priceless, grats Freya on your 141.  now, take a break and sit back and wait for the update til...  Russian hack US again. lol
  18. Level 141....

    can you be a bit more specific?  td4? rem 3 and 4? dp2?  Rare monster in zone 140?  new event?   that is the least I wanted..    
  19. Level 141....

    or maybe we should petition to blizzard to create a fb game similar to this one and we all move over there.  lol.  that might have more chance happening.   oh. just did a search, look what I found!  https://dvsgaming.org/facebook-and-blizzard-entertainment-join-forces/  
  20. Level 141....

    Wish all the new players see this post before they invest in this game thinking that it would last...
  21. Super Refund has disappeared

    They usually mail to you in the next couple of days.   dont worry
  22. Life threats

    agree.  emma, you should report to facebook to start a investigation.  that is 3 months to 1 year in jail time
  23. Recruitment of Game chat moderators

    1. Your nickname in the game Lucifer 2. Your brawser MMO RPG game experience Guns and Magic 3. Main server, that you play on, and additional servers S13 4. Why do you want to be Game chat moderator to help other players and keep the chat civilized   5. A little info about yourself, what do you do, what do you like and etc.   Engineer self employed.  love games and having friends   6. Approximate time of day in which you can monitor game chats 10 am EST - 1 am EST,  7. Your nickname in Skype chicken15256@gmail.com 8. Your Gmail address (others won't fit) chicken15256@gmail.com