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Crispin Buti

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Everything posted by Crispin Buti

  1. Progress Beyond Level 141

    Rumor going around this game isn't being developed anymore due to lack of profit. Is this true? Have I wasted all this time on a game that is never gonna be finished or updated?
  2. Robot

    how do you activate exterminator and titus robots?  
  3. Recruitment of Game chat moderators

     1. Crispin Buti 2. Played Dragon Blood for a while. Love to help others. On from 3am to 12pm daily 3. Server 5 - enternity 4. Love to have fun. and know everyone is having a fun time. have seen times when no mod is on. 5. Play games. Ride my harley, have fun 6. 3am - 10am pst. 7. no camera. don't use skype. 8. jhansen381@gmail.com
  4. Concerns

    it takes forever. even takes forever to get stones to get Emblem of the Order. But only get 5 per day. Right Now I need 50.  Seems to be taking forever to upgrade 1 character. Dimes are lacking too. Need a lot more then given per day to do all that is required. 
  5. Military Contest

    How do you Qualify?
  6. About "Complaints"

    at lastly a Ignore user feature to ignore rude players in chat.
  7. About "Complaints"

    also Dimes and mithril need to be increased. Can never save up or have enough to do all we need to do.
  8. About "Complaints"

    Need to fix Typing. Can't type the words, Dice Tools. Because you Have Nuts blocked can't type Minutes. and a few other ones. Not sure why. but is crazy.