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Posts posted by fb10153739430841121

  1. 2 things.  

    1.  I think that the last hit bonus should be removed from the system.  It promotes a lot of fighting and deters teamwork.  The current most damage done is good, but instead of last hit counting for a bonus, why not put in a minimum damage done to get a reward system?  We'd see more people actually playing the game and helping rather than sitting back and trying to snipe.

    2.  I think there should be some sort of separation of events, for instance, a level 60 player shouldn't have to be in an event where the enemy player is 100+.  make some sort of cut off, like set up 3 duplicate events, 1 gets 60 - 75 2 gets 76 - 90 and 3 gets 91+.  That would probably help retention of players as I'm sure more than one or two people have quit just because of how far behind they are and how much money you charge for anything decent in game.



  2. You misunderstand what I mean.  I believe in working to get better rewards.  I believe that plugging away day after day; that is how it should be.  I don't believe in pay to win.  I think one day gamer's will get sick of it and just stop playing pay to wins.  If you want a structure that would foster a loyal customer base that won't make rich kids the top tier, but actually rewards the true gamer.  Reverse the trend.  Make it so that the really good stuff is only obtainable through actual gaming.  Make it so that you don't have to BUY gold in order to get those fancy wings everyone else seems to have.  Cause right now, I don't see hard effort being rewarded, I see credit card numbers being rewarded.

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