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Everything posted by fb115021225613925

  1. I'm currently on rank 0 mark and have filled all 10 stars so now I'm on the mark evolution stage.  Is it a set amount of mark evolution stones needed or is it all down to luck? I have already bought about 28 stones and my blessing is 140/240 does this need to be filled out to 240? Also is there another way to get mark evolution stones other than buying them for gold?
  2. Return Roulette

    Starting from today it should go Friday: scrolls Saturday: robot spirits Sunday: astro stuff Monday: gems Tuesday: feathers etc Wednesday: elemental runes Thursday: fashion Friday: runes Saturday: pixies Sunday: formation stones Then it should go back to scrolls.
  3. Call to Battle

    This is the notice that comes up for the double rewards hour  I don't think it pops up at the top with the sparkly stuff around it, it just seems to appear in the chat box before the main message.
  4. How do you get 2 other players to help you?   Whenever i click on invite to team the players will turn up in the boxes then they disappear again so i cannot get 2 players to help me.
  5. Purchased gold/luxury festive chests

    I just purchased some gold and got some luxury festive chests and when i went to open them they don't work.  I notice that the tab at the top with the festive chest icon has gone. How am i suppose to use them now?
  6. Wings

    If you buy wings and cannot get them to level 7 within the week do you have to pay another 399 gold to get them again? Also do you lose all the progress of the wings, skills/boosting etc and have to start from scratch again?

    What level are you now? I did see a rune box in the store for 20 gold that contains 1 random rune which works on the elementals but if thats the only way to get them it will be hard to get enough for them to be of any real use.

    Is there a way to get the runes for elemental items?  I saw the rune tab in the store but they don't seem to work.
  9. I got some runes today but i can't seem to use them.  The hint says click on a rune icon to embed or remove it but when i click it nothing happens, am i suppose to be doing something else with them before i can use them?
  10. How to use runes

     Ah no I don't have have those items, at least i know why i cannot use the runes now. Thanks for the help.
  11. How to use runes

    Im level 60 and the rune tab is open at the bottom.
  12. Team dungeons

    Server 6. I got a team together today and did the dungeon.
  13. Team dungeons

    I will keep trying and hopefully someone will help me, I did get to join another players team yesterday so at least i got to try the dungeon. Thanks for the advice.